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Breakout 4: Preparing Family Businesses for 2022 Healthcare Cost Challenges: Are you ready?

Preparing Family Businesses for 2022 Healthcare Cost Challenges: Are you ready? Moderated by Marybeth Gray, Marsh McLennan

As business owners, healthcare costs are one of the biggest financial challenges we face each year. It’s critical to have a strategic roadmap and vision of what lies ahead. Top performing companies are planning for the million-dollar treatments coming to market in the next 12-24 months and designing their programs to limit company liability.  Are you ready?

In this session, we will present the updated healthcare landscape including an overview of marketplace trends, and highlight the next great challenges for employers. We will discuss how employers can develop a strategy to reduce their liability with new-to-market opportunities to reduce costs and exposure.   

SHRM/ HRCI Credit  given for this session