Lisa Daniel
Family Council and 5th Generation Spouse
Lodge Cast Iron
Lisa joined the Lodge family in 1994 when she married 5th generation family member Jay Daniel. She is a very active volunteer with the Joseph Lodge Family Council. The Family Council has spearheaded projects that include a secure family web portal, a digital interactive family tree, family archive videos, online family happy hours and annual family gatherings. The group is currently working on a family newsletter and an education plan that will include topics about the family’s legacy, its role in the community, and business matters both general and specific to the production of cast iron cookware.
Lisa was born and raised in a small town in Pennsylvania as part of a very large family. She and her 8 siblings are very close and have found ways to stay connected even though a few of them no longer live in their hometown. Family values have always been important to Lisa and she shares these values with Jay and his extended family, too.
Jay and Lisa live in Sarasota, Florida where they own and operate Intechgrate Systems, an IT services company they founded together 21 years ago. Their 3 children have been raised surrounded by both family & business values. Their youngest daughter is now a college freshman, so Lisa uses her newfound “empty nest time” actively engaged with Lodge Family Council projects. Lisa is passionate about open communication between family members, bringing all generations of the family together and capturing the family’s story to the benefit of all.
Fostering Deeper Family Engagement – Speaker
How do you get and keep family members involved and engaged in a way that helps both the family and the business? Inclusivity, transparency and accountability can be powerful . And these can be fostered in a variety of ways, including through a family council. This session will discuss strategies for family members to get involved, strengthen ties with their cousins and learn about the business.