Kama Warwick Moseley
Risk Consultant, Vice President
Lockton Companies
Kama joined Lockton Private Risk Solutions in 2015 to focus on private risk for successful families. Specializing in families with complex insurance needs is what Kama does every day. Kama’s responsibilities include advising clients on strategy, developing client relationships, guiding our team of service experts, educating her clients and teams, and securing new business opportunities. Protecting her clients’ assets and forming a trusted partnership with her clients is the highest priority.
Breakout 5: M&A Risk, Insurance and Legal Considerations for Family Businesses – Speaker
An M&A Due Diligence Framework for Family Businesses Moderated by Kama Moseley, Quinn Damon, and Aaron Weir, Lockton
A high level overview of items to consider when making a strategic or platform acquisition via family owned corporation or family office. Topics ranging from due diligence 101, transactional liability and purchase agreement reflections.