Charles (Chad) Hardaway
Family Council Chair
Canal Insurance Company
Chad Hardaway is a shareholder and family council committee chair and liaison with Canal Insurance Company. He co-chairs the family’s philanthropy committee, which is responsible for seeking out and funding philanthropic investment opportunities for the 4th generation.
Canal Insurance Company was founded in 1939 by William R. Timmons, Sr. after he saw a bright future for long haul trucking operators during the Great Depression. Timmons grew the company from the ground up until his untimely death in 1948. The company forged ahead with the help of internal management and the leadership of the family’s second generation. By 1953, Canal had expanded business to nine Southern States. Towards the end of the 1950’s, Canal was operating in 27 states, writing $4.7 million in premium and had a surplus over $1 million. Canal continued
Aside from his work with Canal, Chad Hardaway is Associate Director of the University of South Carolina (USC) Office of Economic Engagement and the Director of the Technology Commercialization Office. As Associate Director of the USC Office of Economic Engagement, Chad works to align USC assets with outside corporate and government partners. As Director of the USC Office of Technology Commercialization, Chad oversees a portfolio of over 500 university technologies and is responsible for moving those technologies out of the laboratory and into the marketplace. Chad also works with University Technology Startups and South Carolina Technology Companies to form partnerships, find capital, explore research opportunities, develop new markets, and ultimately move products into the hands of consumers. Prior to joining the University of South Carolina in 2005, Chad was a Process Engineer with Eastman Chemical Company. These past positions and experiences provide a broad understanding of the early stage technology development cycle and how it can connect with existing corporate market and technology development. Chad has a BS in Chemical Engineering, MBA, and a Juris Doctor all from the University of South Carolina.
Best Practices for Family Meetings – Speaker
This nuts-and-bolts session offers tips on designing a family meeting agenda that combines education and family bonding activities and will strengthen family engagement, resulting in a “can’t miss” event that brings family members together from near and far.